What do you want to do when you grow up?
This question can be exciting—and frustrating—for young people, and the possible answers are complicated by technology and a job market that seems to change every day. The Future of Work hopes to demystify the world of work, sharing a broad spectrum of career possibilities that are open to job seekers here Michigan along with practical information to support the career journey.
What you’ll find on this site:
- Career Exploration: Wondering where to start? Discover careers—from familiar jobs to those you have never imagined—by hearing from professionals across a variety of industries. They’ll share the most fun parts of their jobs, how they got there, and what they imagine their field will look like in the future.
- 21st Century Skills: skills like communication, critical thinking, and creativity are important to any job, but how do you build those skills? And how do you demonstrate them to employers? Coming soon: The 21st Century Skills section includes information on developing key skills as well as practical tips on things like applying for financial aid and preparing for a big interview.
- Career Pathways: discover opportunities to get on the career track of your dreams, from apprenticeship programs and bootcamps to university and community college programs. Within each career track, look for examples of great programs and links to opportunities right here in Michigan.
- Workforce Trends: The workforce is changing, and so are our cities and communities. Hear from community leaders about what jobs and skills are most relevant in industries today and what they expect the future to bring for Michigan.
Future of Work is an initiative of Detroit PBS, combining resources supporting students and parents from the Michigan Learning Channel with conversations with industry and community leaders produced on the One Detroit public affairs show.

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