Black Leaders Detroit gears up to support Black entrepreneurs during weeklong Ride for Equity

A nonprofit that supports Black-led businesses is gearing up for its annual weeklong bike ride to  Mackinaw City to raise awareness for its cause. Black Leaders Detroit’s annual Ride for Equity, which kicks off May 21 this year, will raise money for African American entrepreneurs in Detroit and spread awareness about the importance of equitable funding practices. 

By |2024-01-29T16:24:25+00:00May 5th, 2023|One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Michigan’s returning citizens leverage prison work experiences to create new careers on the outside

For people who have been incarcerated, the road to reintegration into society can be long and challenging, especially when it comes to finding employment. Many employers remain reluctant to hire individuals with criminal records, which can create a significant barrier for those trying to rebuild their lives after serving time. This reluctance can create a vicious cycle, leading to recidivism and further incarceration.  

By |2024-01-29T16:24:25+00:00May 4th, 2023|One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Technology Impacts on Industry and How to Prepare Future Workers Now | Future of Work Town Hall

A livestream conversation about preparing future workers for the impact of autonomous technology on the workplace Technology has changed almost every product, both the way they are made and function. In the next 10-20 years, the concept of manual labor will be heavily impacted by autonomous technology and robotics themes.

By |2024-01-29T16:24:25+00:00April 26th, 2023|One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Growing Michigan’s millennial workforce with Let’s Detroit ambassador Marjace Miles

Millennials make up the largest share of the U.S. workforce — the generation is expected to make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025 — and the future of work in Michigan will depend upon keeping young professionals here. So, how can business leaders and key stakeholders convince millennials to plant their roots in Michigan? 

By |2024-01-29T16:24:26+00:00April 6th, 2023|One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Gen Xers are taking the lead. How will they shape the future of work?

Gen Xers have quietly become the next generation of workforce leaders, rising to C-suite level positions, as they take on new roles and talk about hiring for positions that don’t exist yet. At the same time Gen Xers are juggling the heightened responsibilities at work, they’re navigating more responsibilities at home as they take care of kids and aging parents. 

By |2024-01-29T16:24:27+00:00March 16th, 2023|One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Building Black Development | American Black Journal and Bridge Detroit Virtual Town Hall

The real estate development industry is dealing with a representation crisis. According to a new study from the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) and Grove Impact, minority developers — Black and Hispanic — make up less than 1% of the entire real estate industry. African Americans make up 0.4% of the industry, while Hispanic developers represent only 0.16% of the industry.  

By |2024-01-29T16:24:27+00:00March 9th, 2023|One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Millennials on the Move: Making Michigan Home | Future of Work Town Hall

Millennials currently make up the largest share of the U.S. workforce and are expected to make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025. Despite the cohort’s strength in numbers, the workforce isn’t evenly distributed across the nation, however, with many millennials opting to live in warm-weather destinations and large metropolitan cities as opposed to places like Michigan.

By |2024-01-29T16:24:27+00:00March 8th, 2023|Future of Work Town Hall, One Detroit, Workforce Trends|

Gen X: Picking up the Slack in an Evolving Workforce | Future of Work Town Hall

They’re not the silent generation. Hidden from the spotlight until now, Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1981) have quietly become the next generation of workforce leaders, rising to C-suite level positions, as they take on new roles and talk about hiring for positions that don’t exist yet.

By |2024-01-29T16:24:28+00:00February 3rd, 2023|Future of Work Town Hall, One Detroit, Workforce Trends|
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